Instruments of Asia
Instruments of Asia
Presentation of instruments from Japan, China, Korea, and Vietnam
Service Description
Eileen will be demonstrating the following instruments for the audience: Changgo (Korean), Taiko okedo, chu, and shime drums (Japanese), atarigani (Japanese), chappa (Japanese), binzasara (Japanese), horagai (Japanese), shinobue (Japanese), shakuhachi (Japanese), bo (Chinese), shaoluo (Chinese), daoluo (Chinese), bawu (Chinese), and wooden frogs (Vietnamese). This program shows the relationship of the instruments between the different countries and delves into how the instruments make their sounds. This provides for a good amount of audience participation with an opportunity for a small group of students (15-25) to play the taiko drums. All instruments and equipment are provided from Eileen's large collection of instruments.
Contact Details
925 Grand Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85007, USA